
Information Technology - Consulting & Other Services

Administrative & Technical - Consulting & Other Services

Issue Date: 02/07/2025 Contract Number: C000758

Job Evaluation System


The New York State Department of Civil Service (Department or DCS) has issued this Request for Proposal (RFP) to competitively secure the services of a qualified organization (Offeror) to provide a commercially available production version of a job evaluation solution to allow the Department to value jobs accurately and consistently and ensure pay equity for jobs across diverse occupations. The system will use a set of factors and weights, determined by the Department in consultation with the contractor, to determine the appropriate salary grade for titles or positions within the state’s existing salary grade structure.

The Department is looking for a commercially available production version of a multifaceted solution including consultation, a job evaluation system, license/subscription, and training. Through a separate RFP, the State has contracted with a vendor to conduct a total compensation analysis to make its total compensation package more competitive.

This RFP defines minimum contract requirements, details response requirements, and outlines the Department’s process for evaluating responses and selecting an Offeror.

The Department will only contract with a single Offeror, which will be the sole contact regarding all provisions of the Contract.

This RFP and other relevant information may be reviewed at:

Due Date: 03/18/2025 12:00 PM

Contract Term: Up to five (5) years

Location: Albany, NY

Ad Type: General

Primary Contact:     Civil Service, NYS Dept. of
Office of Financial Administration
Swan Street Building -Core 1
Dyane McGee
Contract Management Specialist 3
Agency Bldg 1 - 17th Floor
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12239
United States
Ph: 518-473-7673

Secondary contact:     Civil Service, NYS Dept. of
Office of Financial Administration
Swan Street Building -Core 1
Dyane McGee
Contract Management Specialist 3
Agency Bldg 1 - 17th Floor
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12239
United States
Ph: 518-473-7673