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Clean Heat for All: Packaged Terminal Heat Pump ProgramDescription: Description of goods to services to be bid: The program aims to transform the market for cold climate, high efficiency packaged terminal heat pumps (PTHPs) to serve as superior replacement for standard packaged terminal air conditioners (PTACs), hydronic cabinet PTACs and through-the-wall air conditioners. The program will achieve this by establishing partnerships with, and providing funding to, HVAC manufacturers to support product development and field demonstrations of PTHPs in NYS multifamily buildings. Product development grants of up to $250,000 are available to heat pump manufacturers to support the development of new, or modification of existing PTHPs that meet the program outlined technical requirements. Up to $1,000,000 is available for awarded heat pump manufacturers to fund field demonstrations of PTHPs. Demonstration funding will support NYSERDA purchase of prototype PTHPs, installation costs, support for multifamily building owner Demonstration Partner(s) and project management for the duration of demonstration spanning at least one heating and one cooling season. If changes are made to this solicitation notification will be posted on NYSERDA’s website Eligibility/Qualifications Requirements/Preferences: Product development funding is available to all heat pump manufacturers who illustrate the ability to develop, demonstrate and scale production of PTHP equipment in accordance with NYSERDA outlined technical specification. Manufacturers awarded product development grants are only eligible for field demonstration funding upon NYSERDA receipt and approval of laboratory testing report confirming PTHP performance in alignment with technical specifications outlined in the awarded proposal. Awarded heat pump manufacturers must team with NYS multifamily building owners qualified as eligible demonstration partners through RFQL 5937. Due Date: 02/20/2025 3:00 PMContract Term: Up to 3 years Location: Existing multifamily buildings with five (5) or more units including rentals, cooperatives and condominiums in New York State. Ad Type: General