
Environmental - Consulting & Other Services

Administrative & Technical - Consulting & Other Services

Utilities & Green Energies - Consulting & Other Services

Issue Date: 12/17/2024 Contract Number: RFQL 4145

Clean Energy Training Services


Description of goods to services to be bid:

December 16, 2024
The following changes have been made to RFQL 4145:

Extended program open enrollment to October 31st, 2025, by 3:00 PM Eastern Time.

Updated Priority Population list in Category F to the current NYSERDA Workforce Development & Training definition of Priority Populations.

Removed information about past informational webinar.

Removed reference to expected contract duration.

NYSERDA seeks to establish a pool of contractors qualified to deliver training, develop curriculum and/or training tools, and provide market expertise and/or other services related to clean energy workforce development and training. Contractors secured under this request will offer program support (some of which may be requests for services on short notice) to help ensure that New York businesses have an adequate supply of new and existing energy efficiency and clean technology workers with the necessary occupational skills, credentials, and experience to participate in the clean energy economy.

If changes are made to this solicitation notification will be posted on NYSERDA’s website at:


Eligibility/Qualifications Requirements/Preferences:

Eligibility: This program is supported with System Benefits Charge (SBC)/Clean Energy Fund (CEF) funding. SBC/CEF service territory consists of areas with electric service provided by Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corp., Consolidated Edison Company of NY, Inc., NYS Electric and Gas Corporation, National Grid, Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc., and Rochester Gas and Electric. All training opportunities (with the exception of offshore wind) funded under this solicitation will be expected to occur in SBC/CEF service territories. All training must be designed to meet the needs of energy efficiency and clean energy companies within, or providing services to, the SBC/CEF territories. Eligible contractors must demonstrate no limitation in their ability to provide services to eligible New York State residents and clean energy businesses depending on the training initiative.

Qualifications: All eligible contractors, regardless of the category or categories being proposed, must possess the following minimum basic qualifications:

• Credentialed and knowledgeable staff or team with documented and relevant experience in one or more of the categories (A-H)
• Experience with or a strategy for engaging business and industry partners and professional organizations in training initiatives
• Ability to deliver services requested in one or more of the categories (A-H) throughout New York State. If the proposer does not have offices and/or training sites within NYS, the proposal must include a description of the proposer’s ability to economically perform work throughout the State
• Capacity to bring on additional resources as necessary to meet programmatic needs, including but not limited to geographic coverage
• Capability to quickly respond to program needs and other related services specified by NYSERDA
• Flexibility to respond to services requested

Due Date: 10/31/2025 3:00 PM

Contract Term: NYSERDA anticipates entering into Umbrella Agreements through December 31, 2025.

Location: New York State

Ad Type: General

Technical contact:     NYSERDA
Workforce Development and Training
Beth Offenbacker
Project Manager
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-6399
United States
Ph: 518-862-1090
Fax: 518-862-1091

Primary Contact:     NYSERDA
Workforce Development & Training
Adele Ferranti
15 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-6399
United States
Ph: 518-862-1090 ext.3206
Fax: 518-862-1091

Secondary contact:     NYSERDA
Contract Management
Ciarra Rowe
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-6399
United States
Ph: 518-862-1090 ext.3639
Fax: 518-862-1091
Secondary contact:     NYSERDA
Contract Management
Jillina Baxter
Sr. Office Manager
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-6399
United States
Ph: 518-862-1090 ext.3418
Fax: 518-862-1091