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Building Better Homes ProgramDescription: Description of goods to services to be bid: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is accepting applications from home builders and developers to support the design and new construction of zero emissions (all-electric) homes through the Building Better Homes Program (Program). The goal of this Program is to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions associated with the operation of newly constructed homes that will provide healthy, comfortable, and safe living environments for each home’s occupants. Home builders and developers (Applicants) can request financial support for the design and construction of zero emissions new homes and townhomes, as well as for the training of staff and subcontractors as necessary to achieve those goals. Through their voluntary participation in this Program, builders and developers will be empowered to deliver newly constructed homes that will not use fossil fuels. Once accepted, Applicants will be expected to promote those attributes as a part of their sales presentation to prospective home buyers, and to the broader marketplace. If changes are made to this solicitation notification will be posted on NYSERDA’s website at: Eligibility/Qualifications Requirements/Preferences: To be eligible to receive the financial incentives available to support the Design, or Re-design, the new construction of a Zero Emissions home or town home, or for support of the sale of those homes, the home’s systems and appliances must be all-electric and there can be no fossil fuel utilities used in the home or town home. The newly constructed home or town home must be certified to the 3rd party standards that has been selected by the Applicant. Due Date: 12/31/2025 3:00 PMContract Term: Two years from the time of application Location: The project must be located in New York State. Ad Type: General