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Lumedx - software support and maintenance service -Apollo application InteleradDescription: SUNY Stony Brook University Hospital intends to make an award under our discretionary authority, pursuant to NYS Education Law §355(5)(A), which is up to $125,000, for the above software support and maintenance service. Apollo application is used for external quality reporting registry data capture, submission, and analytics. Several external quality reporting registries in which SBUH participates require that data be submitted via a certified vendor. SBUH is able to submit to the following registries using the Intelerad (formerly Lumedx) Apollo certified reporting applications: National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR) CathPCI, NCDR Chest Pain/MI, NCDR Atrial Fibrillation, Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) Cardiac Surgery, and STS Thoracic Surgery. Although several vendors are certified to perform this service, Intelerad also provides modules for two mandatory New York State Department of Health registries: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Reporting System and Cardiac Surgery Reporting System; other vendors certified for national registries do not provide modules for New York State. Additionally, the Apollo application has been customized over the years to permit additional internally-developed measures to be tracked, automated loads of data from the electronic health record (i.e., Cerner) have been built, and many automated reports have been developed based on the Apollo database; all of these functions dramatically increase the efficiency. A sealed bid will not be held. Vendors must provide service according to manufacturer’s specifications. Interested parties must contact the appropriately designated Campus contact in this advertisement within 15 business days of this Advisement Notice. Due Date: 02/21/2025 12:00 PMContract Term: 1 Year Location: Stony Brook University Hospital Ad Type: Discretionary procurements between $50,000 and $750,000