
Photography, Video, & Drone Services - Consulting & Other Services

Information Technology - Consulting & Other Services

Miscellaneous - Consulting & Other Services

Issue Date: 02/03/2025 Contract Number: 2983

IFB #2983 Audio, Visual, and Production Services


The purpose of this Solicitation is to retain one contractor to provide audio, visual, and production services statewide for a term of one year, with an optional one-year renewal, to the NYS Community Commission on Reparations Remedies during public meetings and town halls. The NYS Community Commission on Reparation Remedies holds public meetings and town hall discussions at various venues across NYS to discuss with the public the Commission’s work and progress. These events can range from 200 to 400 in person attendees and for a duration of four to six hours. For purposes of this Solicitation, it is estimated that a combined 36 meetings and town halls will be held over the course of the one-year base period covered by the contract resulting from this Solicitation.

The State considers the following qualifications to be a pre-requisite in order to be considered a qualified Bidder for purposes of the Solicitation. Bidders not meeting the qualifications below will be disqualified. Bidders may not use a Subcontractor’s or any other entity’s qualifications to meet requirements.

The following minimum requirements (A and B) must be met by each Bidder:

A. The Bidder shall have been in business for at least three years providing audio, visual,
and production services for public events, government hearings, or similar engagements
of size and scope as described in this Solicitation.

B. The Bidder shall provide proof that they are able to service all regions of NYS, virtually
and in person. 

Bid Due Date: March  14, 2025 at 2:00 PM EST

The solicitation documents can be found at: 

Due Date: 03/14/2025 2:00 PM

Contract Term: One year upon OSC approval, with an optional one year renewal

Location: Statewide

Ad Type: General

Primary Contact:     General Services, NYS Office of
Financial Administration
Rebecca Beattie
Corning Tower, 32nd Floor
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12242
United States
Ph: 518-474-5981

Secondary contact:     General Services, NYS Office of
Financial Administration
Rebecca Beattie
Corning Tower, 32nd Floor
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12242
United States
Ph: 518-474-5981