Architectural, Engineering & Surveying - Construction Professional Services |
John Jay College Haaren Hall Library Renovation - AE ServicesDescription: The Dormitory Authority State of New York (DASNY) is seeking Request for Qualifications (RFQ) seeking a responsive Statement of Qualifications (“SOQ”) from qualified Architecture and Engineering firms capable of providing Architectural and Engineering Services for the Haaren Hall Library Renovation located at CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The Lloyd George Sealy Library (the “Project”). DASNY is requesting proposals for Architectural and Engineering Services to develop a design, produce construction documents, and provide administrative services during bidding and construction for the renovation of the Lloyd George Sealy Library in Haaren Hall. A feasibility study (attached) was undertaken in 2017 which updated the existing library to provide collaborative learning spaces with access to technology and a variety of study spaces. Because the existing Library entrance is located behind the 10th Avenue Lobby escalators at the cellar level, the study relocated the library entrance to the New Building to provide a highly visible and accessible entrance. This study is to be the starting point for the Pre-design program confirmation phase. Revisions and updates to this study are anticipated. Design will include construction documents for interior demolition, environmental hazard removals, new structure where required, swing space with construction phasing, new partitions, ceilings, lighting, finishes, fixtures, electric, plumbing, HVAC, FA/FP, furniture, equipment, casework, plus information technology, audio visual and security systems. DASNY contributes to the economic development of New York State by assisting and supporting Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses (SDVOB) through its procurement process. As part of this EOI, and consistent with New York State Executive Law 15-A and Article 3 of the New York State Veteran Services Law, DASNY encourages all firms to consider submitting proposals that utilize partnerships, joint ventures or other similar arrangements with a New York State certified MWBE/SDVOB firm on this contract. For technical assistance identifying certified MWBE firms contact Empire State Development at or visit DASNY’s MWBE Registry at For NYS Certified SDVOB firms contact Pursuant to Executive Order No. 170.1 – Uniform Guidelines for Responsibility Determinations, Executive Order No. 125 – NYS Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire and Executive Order No. 192 – Continuing Vendor Integrity, DASNY may only award a contract to a responsible proposer. A responsible proposer must have the integrity to justify the award of public dollars and the capacity to perform the requirements of the contract fully. The proposer must file a vendor responsibility questionnaire with DASNY. The questionnaire provides the proposer an opportunity to self-disclose any issues and provide necessary information, which DASNY will use as part of its determination. In accordance with State Finance Law § 139-j and § 139-k, this solicitation includes and imposes certain restrictions on communications between Dormitory Authority personnel and an Offerer during the procurement process. The designated staff for this procurement is Maria McNeil, Email: Contacts made to other Dormitory Authority personnel regarding this procurement may disqualify the Offerer and affect future procurements with governmental entities in the State of New York. Please refer to the Authority’s website ( for Authority policy and procedures regarding this law, or the OGS website ( html) for more information about this law. All proposers, domestic and foreign, must be in compliance with New York State business registration requirements. Contact the NYS Department of State regarding compliance. In addition, business entities proposing to provide professional engineering services must obtain a Certificate of Authorization to Provide Engineering Services in New York State from the State Education Department. Proposals must be submitted in the full legal name of the proposer, or the full legal name plus a registered assumed name of the proposer, if any. For more details regarding this solicitation please refer to DASNY’s website at / Opportunities / RFPs & BIDs / Professional Services / John Jay College Haaren Hall Library Renovation - AE Services Due Date: 02/19/2025 3:00 PMContract Term: Anticipated 3 years Location: Lloyd George Sealy Library in Haaren Hall at John Jay College New York, NY Ad Type: General