
Architectural, Engineering & Surveying - Consulting & Other Services

Issue Date: 01/16/2025 Contract Number: RFQ 2025-01

Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Engineering Services - Wastewater Pump Station Rehabilitation project


The City of Ogdensburg is seeking to enter into an engineering services contract with a qualified engineer/engineering firm (“QEP”) to assist the City with the Wastewater Pump Station Rehabilitation project.   The intended outcome of the project is the rehabilitation of the City’s remaining wastewater pump stations known as the South Water Street Pump Station and the Heavy Industrial Park Pump Station, replacing critical pumping, electrical and communications equipment to increase reliability and efficiency and eliminate system outages.

These pump stations collect wastewater from various portions of the City and convey liquid waste across the City, eventually discharging to the City's wastewater treatment plant for treatment. The South Water Street pump station was originally constructed in 1963 and consists of an above grade building, and 20f-ft deep pump dry-pit and wet-wells. This station’s pumps and motors were replaced in 2016.  Other critical equipment, including, controls, system communications, electrical as well as heating and ventilating and plumbing systems are well beyond their design life and require replacement.    The Heavy Industrial Park Pump Station is an underground facility with submersible style pumps which have been sited to be replaced with an above grade, enclosed duplex pump station including controls, piping, power and power distribution.  The proposed upgrades to these pump station will allow the pump stations to be monitored in real-time in parallel with the newly improved treatment facility, increasing reliability and efficiency for city operators.

 The following outlines this request for qualifications.

1.  Scope of Work ? The engineering contract will encompass the following project?related engineering services to the City of Ogdensburg, including but not limited to the following:

    • Develop construction documents including contract drawings and technical specifications.
    • Provide documents to the City for review
    • Conduct a review meeting with the City
    • Incorporate final review comments
    • Time-line for final construction documents 
    • Provide the City with contract drawings in electronic format for their use
    • Attend and conduct pre-did conference
    • Maintain a bidders RFI log and respond to bidders RFIs.
    • Develop/Issue addenda as appropriate to clarify the contract documents.
    • Assist the City with any negotiations with prospective contractors, if needed.
    • Assist the City in evaluating bids and issue recommendations for award 
    • Conduct pre-construction conference
    • Manage and coordinate RFIs and provide clarifications and interpretations
    • Manage contractors required submissions of product, equipment, samples and data. Review for conformance with contract documents and compatibility with design and anticipated functioning
    • Prepare change orders and work change directives for City to make determinations
    • Conduct monthly progress meetings with all project participants
    • Review of contractor’s work, issue a list of outstanding items upon contractor’s substantial completion request. 
    • Receive, review and provide to the City; Operations and Maintenance (O&M) instructions, etc.
    • Provide electronic and hard copies of record documents and drawings to City.
    • Provide Engineer’s Certificate of Compliance. 
    • Provide services of a RPR at the site to provide part-time observation of the work.


II.  Statement of Qualifications ? The City of Ogdensburg is seeking to contract with a competent and qualified engineer/engineering firm, registered to practice in the State of New York, that has had experience in the following areas:

  • Engineering project for municipal entities of similar size with similar project scopes.
  • Projects located in this general region of the state

As such, please provide within your proposal a list of past local government clients, as well as resumes of all engineers that will or may be assigned to this project if you receive the engineering services contract award.

Also, please provide a copy of your current certificate of insurance for professional liability.     

III.      All proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  1. Technical qualifications of the engineering firm (30%)
  2.  Technical experience with similar projects - demonstrate by providing contacts name and phone number & dates of all similar projects completed in small rural communities in the last 3 (35%) 
  3. Ability to complete the project in timely manner - demonstrate by providing a listing of key staff (engineering, community relations, financial expertise, and construction management) who will complete this project, along with brief resumes or evidence of their experience in working with similar (10%) 
  4. Ability to provide NYS Certified M/WBE participation. (5%) A projected M/WBE use plan is required. 
  5. Evidence of engineering firm’s ability to deliver a complete and thorough project that complies with the NYS DEC, DOH, and all other applicable state and local agencies. (20%)

IV.    For this RFQ, Respondent’s qualifications will be evaluated and the most qualified Respondent will be selected, subject to negotiation of fair and reasonable compensation.

 V.    The City of Ogdensburg encourages participation by small businesses, minority-owned firms and women’s business enterprises.

VI.    Submission Requirements – Respondents shall provide a digital PDF submission. The PDF shall not exceed 10 MB in size. Questions regarding this RFQ, must be submitted via email to, subject “Wastewater Pump Station Rehabilitation project” before February 3, 2025.  Responses and any necessary addendum will be posted by 4:00 PM Monday, February 10, 2025. 

VII.      Deadline for Submission – Proposals must be received no later than 2:00 P.M. Thursday, February 13, 2025 via email to subject “RFQ 2025-01”.  No hardcopy responses will be accepted.


Due Date: 02/13/2025 2:00 PM

Contract Term: 3 Year Contract + extensions

Location: City-wide

Ad Type: General

Primary Contact:     Ogdensburg, City of
Jennifer Ashley
Technical Specialist
330 Ford Street, room 11
Planning Office
Ogdensburg, NY 13669
United States
Ph: 315-393-7900

Secondary contact:     Ogdensburg, City of
Jennifer Ashley
Technical Specialist
330 Ford Street, room 11
Planning Office
Ogdensburg, NY 13669
United States
Ph: 315-393-7900