Architectural, Engineering & Surveying - Construction Professional Services |
A&E Services: Roof and Carpet ReplacementDescription: A&E Services: Roof and Carpet Replacement (Event 395) The Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA) is seeking a firm to provide professional engineering and design services to prepare plans, specifications, cost estimates, provide bidding and construction administration/assurance and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation monitoring for construction contracts to replace the roofs and floor covering at the RTS Livingston Facility located at 4390 Gypsy Lane in Mt. Morris NY. Funding for the services being sought under this solicitation include Federal, New York State and RGRTA. Therefore, this procurement has a DBE goal of 3.22%. Any firm appearing on the Comptroller General’s List of Ineligible Contractors is not eligible to participate in this Event. RGRTA is a tax-exempt Public Authority. To view and respond to this Event, Vendors will need to register with the Supplier Portal. The portal, a registration guide, and a guide explaining how to view and respond to events can be found at: Due Date: 02/12/2025 12:00 PMContract Term: Completion Location: 4390 Gypsy Lane in Mt. Morris NY Ad Type: General