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CM Services - Renovate Peregrine Dining Hall, Bldg. No. 032Description: The State University Construction Fund is seeking statements of qualifications from firms to provide Construction Phase Construction Manager (CM) Agency – Services for the Renovate Peregrine Dining Hall, Bldg. No. 032 project at the State University of New York at New Paltz. This project consists of the renovation of Peregrine Dining Hall, built circa 1966, which will involve a complete interior architectural and M/E/P gut renovation of the 32,000 GSF building. The renovation is intended to modernize the dining hall and kitchen areas and provide additional student support spaces. The objective of this project is to renovate all architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, replacement of the roof including insulation, replacement of the existing windows, upgrades to the exterior building envelopes, hazardous materials abatement, construction of a new elevator and enclosure of the area below the existing building overhang above the first floor. Site work includes new storm, sanitary and water connections, or upgrades. Submissions should emphasize the firm’s significant past experience in providing construction phase CM services for public institutions and institutional clients in a complete and expeditious manner. The current estimated construction budget is approximately $32,430,000. CONSULTANTS ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER FOR THIS PROCUREMENT OPPORTUNITY, ON THE FUND’S WEBSITE AT: Once registered, consultants will receive an email with the applicable Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and the link to upload your Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) at the submission deadline. To register your firm, please “click” on the link Request RFQ Format. Please complete the registration form and then “click” Submit Registration. Once your registration is submitted, you will receive a confirmation number and the RFQ via email. Should you experience any issues with registering, email your request to: SOQs must be submitted in the format prescribed by the Fund using the link provided in the email received after registration that supplies the RFQ. Required electronic copies of Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) must be received by the due date and time specified in the RFQ. Paper or emailed copies of SOQs will not be accepted. In accordance with State Finance Law §139-j and §139-k, all inquiries regarding this procurement can only be made to:
Any questions regarding this procurement should be emailed to: For questions related to M/WBE SDVOB, please email: Failure to adhere to this provision may result in the disqualification of your firm under the NYS Procurement Lobbying Act. For more information on the Procurement Lobbying Act, please refer to the Fund’s website at Due Date: 02/20/2025 11:00 AMContract Term: 36 Months Location: State University of New York New Paltz Ad Type: General