Issue Date: 02/04/2025 |
Contract Number: TBD |
Request for Proposals Zoning Regulations Update
The Village of Sea Cliff invites firms with qualified staffing of consultants (the “Consultant”) to submit proposals to prepare a Zoning Regulations Update pursuant to New York State Village Law and New York State standards and procedures, including the NYS Environmental Protection Fund Smart Growth Program. The Zoning Regulations Update will reflect the vision, values and guiding principles of the recently adopted Sea Cliff Comprehensive Plan (September 2023).
The Zoning Regulations Update will implement the balance described in the Comprehensive Plan between local and regional perspectives, the desire for economic growth and diversification and the stewardship of finite land and environmental resources.
A Zoning Regulations Update, with input from the Board of Trustees and Zoning Advisory Committee, will codify the policies and recommendations that are outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. New land use regulations must appropriately address and guide new development and redevelopment within the community in an environmentally sustainable manner while also meeting the service demands that come with community growth.
Due Date: 02/28/2025 3:30 PM
Contract Term: 1 year with possibility of 1 six month extension
Location: 300 Sea Cliff Avenue, Sea Cliff, NY 11579
Ad Type: General
Technical contact:
Sea Cliff, Village of
Erinn McDonnell
Grants Administrator
P. O. Box 340 Sea Cliff, NY 11579 United States
Ph: 516-671-0080
Primary Contact:
Sea Cliff, Village of
Board of Trustees
Erinn McDonnell
Grants Administrator
P. O. Box 340 Sea Cliff, NY 11579 United States
Ph: 516-671-0080
Secondary contact:
Sea Cliff, Village of
Zoning Advisory Committee
Erinn McDonnell
Grants Administrator
P. O. Box 340 300 Sea Cliff Avenue Sea Cliff, NY 11579 United States
Ph: 516-671-0080