Issue Date: 01/22/2025 |
Contract Number: RFP-#1-25 |
Engineering and Construction Management Services for the
Ripley Interstate Shovel Ready Site Development Project
January 21, 2025
February 7, 2025
February 28, 2025
3:30 PM
All proposals and questions should be sent to:
County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency
Attn: Crystal Erhard, Administrative and Financial Assistant
214 Central Avenue, Suite 124
Dunkirk, New York 14048
The County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency (CCIDA) is seeking proposals from qualified engineering firms for civil engineering, permitting, bidding, and construction services related to the construction of infrastructure extensions to aid in efforts to create a Shovel-Ready site located along Shortman Road in the Town of Ripley, New York. The Ripley Interstate Shovel Ready Site Development project will transform 147 acres of underutilized land into a shovel-ready site to attract impactful new sources of economic activity for the Town of Ripley and Chautauqua County. The project site is adjacent to Interstate 90, close to New York State’s “Western Gateway,” and is positioned approximately 75 miles from the Canadian border. Its highly advantageous location, easy access to major transportation routes, and size make the site highly suitable for distribution, logistics or light manufacturing. This priority project addresses the county’s extremely limited availability and high demand for shovel-ready industrial sites.
Please refer to Appendix A for details regarding the proposed infrastructure extensions and budget. Please note that the electrical infrastructure component is being designed and engineered by National Grid and is not part of this solicitation.
The Consultant Scope of Work primarily includes, and may not be limited to, completion of the following key tasks:
- Program Management
- Project scheduling and management.
- Attendance at and coordination of periodic project team meetings.
- Coordination and oversight of all applicable standards and regulations, subcontractor management, and site inspections.
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Completion of the necessary soil investigations for a design assessment for the new access roadway, utilities, and turn lane.
- Performance of a Seismic Refraction Analysis to develop a rock profile along the new roadway/utility alignment to delineate the depth that contractors can.
- attending onsite meetings, consultation on groundwater and/or bedrock, observing proof rolling and drainage swale installation work.
- Wetland Delineation and Report
- Completion of a wetland delineation for the remaining approximately 5 acres that was previously not delineated in the due diligence phases due to changes in the project area.
- Completion of wetland and stream delineation which, includes review of onsite conditions, field delineation, and sub-meter GPS survey of delineation flags.
- Submittal of delineation results to US Army Corps of Engineers for a jurisdictional determination.
- Survey and Mapping
- Completion of survey and additional field topographical survey and base mapping suitable for the design of the NYSDOT required turn lane.
- Main Access Roadway Preliminary and Final Design
Provide the required plans, technical specifications, and contract documents to the level of detail required for construction and CCIDA approval of the recommended project improvements. Preliminary and final design will include the following items:
- Preliminary and final alignment and layout of the new main access road. This design will include approximately 3,200 LF of new roadway, shoulders, lighting, and necessary drainage from Shortman Road into Phase 2 of the park.
- Preliminary and final grading and associated stormwater drainage design in preparation for approval by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) in relation to stormwater permitting.
- Preliminary and final design of the necessary drainage improvements as indicated in the Geotechnical Report from Foundation Design, March 2, 2023.
- Design will include the necessary drainage swales to lower the water table of the site in preparation for development.
- Preliminary and final design of the culvert crossings to cross two delineated stream locations on the site.
- All stormwater management facilities will be designed in accordance with NYSDEC best management practices. We will prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with the NYSDEC. We are assuming that the project will be designed to meet the 5-day review requirement for the NYSDEC General Permit and that a 60-day review will not be required.
- Preliminary and final plan and profile with roadway alignment, storm management facilities, grading disturbance limits, and proposed road rights-of-way in accordance with NYSDOT requirements.
- Shortman Road Turn Lane Design
Based on previous traffic study and ongoing discussions with the NYSDOT, consultant will design the required southbound left turn lane from Shortman Road to the new access roadway. The following elements will be required for this task:
- Roadway Layout and Design: Provide a full design of the required traffic mitigation including roadway layout and coordination with the main access drive.
- Grading Plans: Detail the proposed grading for the project.
- Driveway Profiles: Develop driveway profiles for the NYSDOT submission set.
- Site Distance Evaluation: Consultant will perform an onsite site distance evaluation and include this in the NYSDOT submission set.
- Maintenance and Protection of Traffic (MPT) and Striping Plans: Consultant will develop the appropriate maintenance and protection of traffic plans and striping plans for the project.
- SWPPP: Completion of plans that will detail proposed stormwater design throughout the project. These plans will also detail soil stabilization methods to be utilized during construction including stabilized construction entrance, outlet protection, and silt fences as required for minimization of sediment transport from this property. All stormwater management facilities will be designed in accordance with NYSDEC best management practices. We will prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with the NYSDEC and to satisfy the NYSDOT requirements. We are assuming that this project will be designed to meet the 5-day review requirement for the NYSDEC General Permit and that a 60-day review will not be required.
- Utility Coordination: Coordination with local utilities and the CCIDA to show these on the design plans for coordination purposes.
- Agency Coordination: Coordination with the NYSDOT, NYS Thruway Authority and other agencies as required.
- Details and Cross Sections: Consultant will provide the appropriate details and develop design cross sections for all pavement sections.
- Specifications – Consultant will provide the appropriate technical specifications on the plans as required by NYSDOT.
- Coordination with National Grid for power pole relocation.
- Preliminary and Final Water/Sanitary Sewer Design
Preliminary and final design will include the following items:
- Preliminary and final alignment and layout of the new water and sanitary sewer extension along the new access roadway.
- Sanitary Sewer: It is anticipated that the sanitary sewer required to service the entire park will include both gravity sections, a sanitary sewer pump station, and force main. Consultant will review best practices, develop alternatives, and review with the project team. It is anticipated that one connection to the existing pump station located along Shortman Road will be utilized.
- Water: It is anticipated that the new water main to serve the entire park will include approximately 3,200 linear feet of new water main along the new access road, along with fire hydrants as appropriate.
- Preliminary and final plan and profile with new water and sanitary sewer mains.
- Permits and Approvals
- Prepare all necessary permit applications required by federal, state, and local regulations, including all required supporting documentation. Permits will include, but may not be limited to:
- Town of Ripley Site Plan Approval.
- NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Storm Water Pollution.
- Prevention Plan (SWPPP).
- NYSDEC/USACE Joint Permit Application Wetland Crossing.
- NYSDEC Sanitary Sewer Approval of Plans (BSP-5).
- NYSDOT Permit and Approval for a Commercial Entrance.
- NYSDOT Permit and Approval for Shortman Road Turn Lane.
- NYSDOT Utility Permit and Approval.
- NYSDOH Approval for Water Main.
- Construction Bidding
- Consultant shall provide an electronic set of plans, specifications, and contract documents to be issued to prospective bidders. During the bidding period, consultant will assist CCIDA in responding to bidders’ questions and issue any addenda required for the interpretation and clarification of the bidding documents.
- Consultant will attend the bid opening, review bids for compliance with the bid requirements and mathematical correctness, prepare a bid tabulation, investigate bidders’ qualifications, and prepare a written recommendation for the award of the contract.
- Construction Administration
- Coordination of shop drawing review, processing of payment requests, preconstruction and project meetings, schedule coordination, preparation of change orders, coordination with the Contractor, CCIDA, Town, and regulatory agencies, final inspection and punch list, and preparation of record drawings based upon information provided by the Contractor.
- Consultant will assist CCIDA in complying with all federal and state funding requirements, including Davis Bacon wage requirements, Made in America Act requirements, and Minority and Women Business Enterprise M/WBE, requirements, among others.
- Consultant will also assist CCIDA in record keeping and preparation of documentation required for the reimbursement of state and federal funding sources.
- Consultant will provide as-built drawings and close out paperwork as necessary to complete the construction.
- Consultant will complete a final project walkthrough and issue a final punch list for completion. Consultant will gather all cut sheets, submittals and manuals, and complete all required close out forms for a final submission package.
- Construction Observation
- Provide a qualified NYSDOT approved Resident Engineer to monitor construction and the Contractor’s compliance with the Contract Documents.
- The Resident Engineer will serve as CCIDA’s representative on the project, maintain detailed records of the work performed, document payments to the contractor, handle concerns and complaints from residents affected by the project, and coordinate with regulatory agencies and utilities. Assumed an 8-month schedule for the new access road and infrastructure.
- SWPPP Site Visits
- Complete biweekly site visits and related paperwork per the NYSDEC procedures for the duration of the site construction (due to disturbance of more than 5 acres).
- Observation of all disturbed areas, erosion control measures, construction entrances, etc.
- Site visit report prepared and sent to construction offices and via email up to five (5) different parties within 5 days of site visit.
- Notification to the NYSDEC of any scheduling changes and winter shutdowns.
- Filing of the Notice of Termination and related correspondence with the NYSDEC and owner’s representative.
Questions regarding the overall project and scope or requirements outlined in this RFP can submitted in writing to Crystal Erhard at Questions must be submitted by 3:30pm February 7, 2025. An addendum containing all questions and responses related to this RFP are anticipated to be posted to the County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency website at: by February 17, 2025.
The CCIDA requests five (5) original physical copies and one electronic copy, either submitted on a flash drive, or emailed to Crystal Erhard at Physical copies of proposals should be sent to Crystal Erhard, Administrative and Financial Assistant at County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency, 214 Central Avenue, Suite 124, Dunkirk, NY 14048 and must be received by 3:30 p.m. on February 28, 2025.
Any proposals, or unsolicited amendments to proposals, received after the due date and time specified on the cover page may not be considered in the review process. No faxed documents will be accepted. CCIDA takes no responsibility for any third-party error in the delivery of the proposals (e.g., U.S. Post Office, Federal Express, UPS, courier, etc.).
No proposal will be considered which, is not accompanied by pricing information for services to be rendered, and all proposals shall be signed by an authorized individual.
- The Title Page: RFP Subject, name of proposer, address, telephone, email address, contact person, and table of contents.
- Qualifications: List of qualifications and experience to carry out the requested services. Qualification to do business in NYS, number of years in business and length of experience, and if the firm and/or its proposed subconsultants are NYS MWBE certified. Limit this to two (2) pages maximum.
- References: Include at least two references from supervisors of previous projects. Provide a list of municipal clients whom you have had recent past projects with that are of similar size and quality.
- Plan Implementation: This is the scope of services in terms of the proposer’s plan to carry out the requested services. Limit of a total of six (6) pages maximum.
- Cost Proposal: This shall include all costs broken down by task associated with the proposer’s plan to carry out the requested services as specified. Tasks must be separated and itemized.
- Page Limit: The combined required submission items and any additional content submitted by proposer shall not exceed 20 pages.
- The CCIDA reserves the right to seek any clarifications needed to determine the most qualified submittal and/or require correction of arithmetic or other apparent errors for the purpose of assuring a full and complete understanding of a proposer’s proposal and/or to determine compliance with the requirements of the solicitation.
- Alternatives/Value-Added Considerations: The Proposer may include items not specified in this RFP in their proposal in which the vendor feels can be pertinent to or an added benefit to the services requested. All such alternatives must be listed separately from the proposal and the cost thereof must be separated and itemized.
- A contract may be awarded to the Proposer whose proposal achieves the highest evaluation score by the CCIDA based on the specified criteria, and not solely on the basis of price.
- Unless otherwise specified in the solicitation, every offer is firm and not revocable for a period of sixty (60) days from the due date of the proposals.
- Evaluation will be performed to determine the proposers understanding of work to be performed, technical approach, potential for completing the work as specified herein, cost reasonableness, the probable cost to the CCIDA, and ranking with competing proposers.
Qualified State-certified MWBEs are encouraged to submit proposals. This project is in part funded with a NYS FAST NY Grant via Empire State Development. The total MWBE utilization goals for this solicitation is 30% (15% MBE/15%WBE). Other firms are encouraged to partner with qualified State-certified MWBEs to achieve the utilization goal or explain how they will help State meet the State goals. Qualified State-certified MWBE firms can be identified using the NYS Directory of Certified Firms (
Services under the agreement for engineering and construction management are budgeted not to exceed $1 Million. For this scope, services should exclude electric planning and engineering, which will be handled by National Grid. The total construction related costs associated with this project are estimated to be between $10 and $12 Million.
The CCIDA intends to enter into an agreement on or around April 1, 2025 with an estimated term of between 18 and 24 months.
- RFP - The services that are required herein are not subject to formal competitive bidding under Section 103 of New York State General Municipal Law. While this solicitation is also not required by the CCIDA’s purchasing policy, it is required by certain funding source(s) utilized for these services.
- The CCIDA is exempt from all Federal and State taxes.
- The CCIDA is subject to New York State Freedom of Information Law (FOIL).
- Professional Liability Insurance in the amount of $1 Million shall be in place prior to execution of the agreement and shall be up to date and maintained for the Contract term. It is requested that Proposers attach samples or original certificates of insurance along with their qualification summary.
- Consultant shall name CCIDA as an additional insured.
- CCIDA reserves the right to approve liability amount based on the scope of work.
- Within (5) five days of receipt of the notice of award, the consultant shall supply up-to-date certificates of insurance. Certificates may be emailed to the insurance department representative at the following email address:
- The successful proposer must obtain CCIDA approval prior to utilizing subcontractors in order to perform the requirements of this RFP.
- The proposer agrees that should their firm be awarded a contract, proposer will not discriminate against any person who performs work hereunder because of age, race, color, sex, creed, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or other protected classes.
- The proposer expressly warrants to the CCIDA that it has the ability and expertise to perform its responsibilities hereunder and in so doing shall use the highest standards of professional workmanship.
- The CCIDA reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informality or technical defect in the proposals, or to award the contract in whole or in part, if deemed to be in the best interest of the CCIDA to do so. Explanations of CCIDA decisions shall not be required except as otherwise provided by law. The successful proposer will be required to enter into and sign an Agreement (Contract) with the CCIDA with reasonable adjustments acceptable to the CCIDA. This RFP and the response of the successful proposer may become a part of the Contract and will be in effect for the duration of the contract. The Contract language will control over any conflicting language contained within this RFP.
- The successful proposer will not commence any work, which could be billed, until a valid Contract has been executed by both the proposer and the CCIDA.
In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, U.S. Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the U. S. Department of Transportation and Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200, Title VI program and Related Statutes, as amended, issued pursuant to such Act, CCIDA hereby notifies all who respond to this solicitation, invitation, request for qualifications or proposal that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this RFP, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability/handicap and income status in consideration for an award.
Due Date: 02/28/2025 3:30 PM
Contract Term: 18 to 24 months
Location: 214 Central Avenue, Suite 124, Dunkirk, NY 14048
Ad Type: General
Primary Contact:
County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency
Crystal Erhard
Administrative Finance Assistant
201 West Third St. Suite 115 Jamestown, NY 14701 United States
Ph: 716-363-3708
Secondary contact:
County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency
Crystal Erhard
Administrative Finance Assistant
201 West Third St. Suite 115 Jamestown, NY 14701 United States
Ph: 716-363-3708