
Advertising, Graphic Arts, Marketing & Interior Design - Consulting & Other Services

Educational & Recreational - Consulting & Other Services

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Issue Date: 01/07/2025 Contract Number: RFA0360

2025 Agricultural Fairgrounds Advertising, Promotion, and Education Program


Pursuant to the State's fiscal year 2024-2025 enacted budget, the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (the Department) is awarding funds to eligible agricultural and horticultural corporations and county extension service associations that sponsor an annual fair or exposition for the promotion of agriculture and domestic arts and receive premium reimbursements pursuant to Article 24 of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law. Each eligible awardee will receive $10,000 for the purposes of providing advertising, promotion, and education programs.
The goal of the 2025 Agricultural Fairgrounds Advertising, Promotion, and Education Program (AFAPEP) is to increase participation in and promotion of local and county fairs.

Eligible Projects
Eligible projects will increase activities that improve public knowledge of, and appreciation for, the benefits of agriculture and domestic arts through advertising, promotion, and education. Projects will enhance and encourage visitor participation and appreciation of agriculture and domestic arts as well as expand existing efforts to attract visitors and showcase agriculture. Projects will expose consumers to the fair brand and create meaningful, long-lasting brand recognition.
Projects will share stories and experiences of local agriculture with the goal of expanding knowledge of the agriculture industry in New York, while bringing greater awareness to visitors that some of the best agriculture in the world is grown right here in New York State. Other project goals will be the preservation and enhancement, by educational endeavors, of the agricultural and historical legacy of New York State. All of this will translate into more fair visits, more revenue to NYS county fairs, and a greater economic impact on New York State.

Due Date: 07/02/2025 4:00 PM

Contract Term: 01/01/2025-9/15/2025

Location: All NYS Counties

Ad Type: Grant or notice of funds availability

Primary Contact:     Agriculture & Markets, NYS Dept. of
Agricultural Development

Nickolas Kossmann
Economic Development Program Specialist 1
10B Airline Drive
Albany, NY 12235
United States
Ph: 518-457-7005

Secondary contact:     Agriculture & Markets, NYS Dept. of
Agricultural Development

Nickolas Kossmann
Economic Development Program Specialist 1
10B Airline Drive
Albany, NY 12235
United States
Ph: 518-457-7005